Thursday, May 26, 2005

A message for Tash

Tash asked me to post regarding my hatred for the Yankees. Usually, I'mm pretty apathetic regarding the whole team. Alex Rodriguez (Or, as I like to call him, ol' purple lips) is a cheater of the worst sort, and there are a couple of others that deserve to be thrown out like the trash, but by and large as long as the Red Sox manage to beat them I'm OK.

There is one Yankee that I positively cannot stand, and that would be John Sterling. Can the man say something intelligent at least once? His home run call has to be the absolute worst thing any sports announcer has ever said. (I may give the possible exception of Sylvester Stallone and Sugar Ray Leonard during the Contender fight last Tuesday. But I digress.) Anyway, he says something like "He hits it far. He hits it deep. It's a home run." Really, it's quite pathetic--I don't even have to listen to anything else to know that he must be blackmailing someone to even have his job.

I'm surprised even Yankee fans can stand him. I think I'd rather poke my eyes out with a sharp pencil than have to listen to him for an entire season...

Go Red Sox!


Blogger Booker said...

You are a true RedSox fan...

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Sterling rally says "It is High! It is far!I is GONE!!!!!!!!!"
That is a lot better then a lot of announcers who just say "See yuo..!"
Plus at the end of every game that the Yanees win John Sterling says "THEEEE YANKEES WINNNNNN!" Well the Red Sox'S announcers say " Well the red sox do it" Talk about pathetic.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Silas said...

Tash is sad. You have no sense of gratitude for the great voice of John Sterling. So sad.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Rex Tyrannus said...

Finally, somebody sees the light.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Rex Tyrannus said...

Nate-that is. Yankees fans must be pierced already.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day

3:08 AM  
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11:29 PM  
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11:30 PM  
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11:30 PM  

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