Saturday, March 12, 2005

Ahh, the Innocence of youth...

I heard from one of "mean kids I had the unfortunate burden of hanging around" today. (If you don't know what I am referring to, check out Brad and Claire's blog here and read my comment under the "In Defense of Thor" column.) Her comment seems to indicate that I'm Mr. Tate, which means that the rhyme was even more cryptic than I thought, unless there were frequent outbursts of rage on my part that I have totally forgotten about.

I enjoyed the process of growing up in Essex, but I do have to admit, now that I live sufficiently far enough away, that I double crossed my friends when I was little. Especially in regards to the abandoned house next door that was my playground. Somehow, I managed to get sucked into playing house with one set of friends, the mean, taunting ones, and we would (or perhaps I should say they would, as I don't recall ever doing very much) work feverishly to make the house the spitting image of a magazine picture, and then, at least on one occasion destroying the fruits of their labors on the very next day with another friend by hurling rocks through the windows. In an effort to shift the blame to somebody else, I will now name my accomplice in the destruction: Ben Hansen.

It's nice to know that we can recover from these little phases that we all go through and turn out OK. I mean, I'm perfectly normal, right? Right? Why are you laughing so hard?


Blogger ljm said...

I am outraged! We even had a fund for the beautification of the "haunted house" to which we all contributed our meager pennies...And to think, one of our very own, trusted members was not only plucking baby birds out of the nests in the house, but sabatoging our hard work in secret! For SHAME!!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Claire said...

Oh my word- how eerie! How did you KNOW I was laughing so hard?

Seriously...I too am outraged! I feel BETRAYED. Did you also plant WEEDS in the path that we so painstakingly cleared?

5:44 PM  
Blogger Gimli said...

I plucked no baby birds out of nests, nor did I plant any weeds! What do you think I am, some kind of monster?

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, let's hear from the other member of the club. Where is Christy's input? A verdict must be reached.

( One of my most vivid memories of this whole experience was taking turns running up and down the path, trying to tread it into submission, and pretending we were in a concentration camp...I was WICKEDLY creeped out by the idea and can't remember if I made that fact known or tried to appear "cool" and go along with the "crowd" as I was the youngest member of said club. Jogging up and down a puny path in the woods and making believe we were imprisoned? What weird children we were!)

9:07 PM  

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