Sunday, June 26, 2005

Word of the Day, Part Deux

Tomorrow's phrase that pays is...

"Handed in his dinner pail"

Which could lead to some interesting/scandalous/morbid situations, as it is not unreasonable at all to think that I'll be fielding a first notice death claims.

I'm looking forward to it really.

Any know the origin of that phrase? I'm not really up on my etymology...

The Buried 1957 Plymouth

The Buried 1957 Plymouth

What will they think of next?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Kudos to Curt

I was driving to work this morning, listening to WEEI, the Boston sports radio station, and they were talking about Carson Kressley throwing out the first pitch to last Sunday's game and heard a couple of things that I thought worth passing along.

The first was the news that reliever Mike Timlin was taking some heat for his opposition to the whole thing, especially since he opposed it on religious principles. The hosts of the show were kind of mocking him for it, and then, a few minutes later, they were talking to Curt Schilling (which they do on a weekly basis) and they asked for his opinion on the subject. I can't remember his response exactly, but as near as I can remember, he said "As a Christian, I am opposed to it. I won't be making the final decision, but...".

Refreshing, eh? It makes me respect the two of them even more.